Happy Thanksgiving From Rosemeyer Management Group! Here’s What We’re Grateful For

Carter Klaas |

If there’s ever a time when we need to stop and take stock of all we have to be grateful for, it’s now. With the dramatic events of the last two years, many of us were hoping that 2022 would be a fresh start. But even after a tough year in the markets, there is still so much to be thankful for. Our team is focusing on using this Thanksgiving season to cultivate a heart of gratitude and acknowledge the many things that enrich our lives on a daily basis.


Gandhi said, “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” How true this is! We have seen time and time again over the years how health is the ultimate form of wealth—no matter how big or small the bank account. Our team members are thankful for the health they and their families have, and we hope you can join in our thankfulness on behalf of your loved ones.

Family & Friends

Speaking of loved ones, these are the people we are grateful to share important moments with and do life with day in and day out. But in this season especially, we are reminded of how much family means and the importance of surrounding yourself with people who know you, love you, and support you. 

No matter how busy we are or what life changes come our way, family and friends are vital to our well-being. At Rosemeyer Management Group, we are incredibly grateful for the community that surrounds us, and we are privileged to consider many of our clients to be friends as well. 


This year brought shocking geopolitical events with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now, more than ever, we are reminded how privileged and blessed we are to live in a prosperous and free country. There are many people all over the world who long to live here, and we are lucky to have the opportunities this country affords, no matter how divided our country may feel at times. 

A Chance to Serve

For us, one of the most important parts of our lives is joining you on your journey and serving you as you pursue your goals. It is truly our joy to celebrate with you when you reach a milestone and support you when life gets shaky. 

There aren’t many people who can say they get to go to their dream job every day, so we are incredibly grateful that we get to do just that, providing education and support for so many families in our community who are on the road to a confident financial future.

As we reflect on all we’re grateful for this year, we want to make sure to thank you, our clients, for choosing Rosemeyer Management Group to guide you in your financial life. We look forward to investing in you and your family in the future!

Give Thanks

We truly hope your Thanksgiving leaves you refreshed and ready to look forward with anticipation. Please remember that through it all, we are here for you and your family—just a phone call away. Schedule an appointment online or by calling us at 608-348-2274. Feel free to reach out to me at carter@rosemeyermg.com with your questions, concerns, or just to touch base before the end of the year. We are thankful for you and your continued trust in RMG! 

About Carter

Carter Klaas is an investment advisor representative at Rosemeyer Management Group, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor based in Platteville, WI. Carter focuses on the people behind the dollars and cents, forging long-lasting relationships with his clients. Using clear, measurable financial goals, Carter works to bring financial confidence to those he calls clients through education, intentional planning, and a strong relationship built on mutual trust. By planning comprehensively with investment strategies, risk management strategies, retirement planning, tax planning, and estate planning, Carter makes sure all the pieces of a person’s financial “puzzle” fit and work together for their goals. He is dedicated to personalized planning because he realizes that the wide-ranging experiences and emotions revolving around money demand a custom-fit plan. Carter has a bachelor’s degree in personal finance and financial planning from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

When he’s not at work, Carter enjoys spending time with his wife, Natalie, and their Goldendoodle puppy, Willow. You’ll find them taking walks, drinking wine, bike rides, and being near the lake. To learn more about Carter, connect with him on LinkedIn.